Tuesday, October 14, 2008

E-Week Eve

It is the day before my 2nd Annual E-Merchandise Week begins and I am close to solving my website mystery.
I am hoping I will have everything in order by the early morning hours.

Gay Ann


  1. Oh gosh, Gay Ann - what a time you are having! I am imagining you, tied to the computer, feverishly clicking and searching and typing, trying to overcome the problem! Or perhaps you are taking a much nicer way to fix it - sitting there calmly stitching while someone else is working feverishly on the computer.

    I hope it's the second scenario, LOL.

  2. Hi Jocelyn,
    Your first assessment was right! I am tied to MacSoph (my computer) who is working overtime!
    During this morning's frantic 'Special Sales' session, MacSoph couldn't take it any longer and she had a hiccup!
    It didn't last long and she and I are back at it.
    Dreams of someone else doing it all! Yeah, right (the only double positive in English to be a negative).
    Thanks for writing!
    Gay Ann
