Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Iron Wrought in Silk

Thank you, Pierrette, for such a nice comment about Iron Wrought in Silk.

As I wrote in Part 1 of my commentary on Iron, I had started and abandoned the sampler a couple of years ago. Only when I wanted a sampler with a gate did I start to work again on it. All the way through this sampler I struggled, all the way through had my doubts. Only when I took the last dozen stitches did I decide it was perfect for my purposes and now I confess, I am so happy that I decided to continue with it and I love the way it came out.

This morning on my website, I posted Part 2 of its story and a photo of it just after I began work on it again. When I look at the photo of it part way and the photo of the finished sampler, I think indeed, sometimes there is a bit of magic in how these pieces sort themselves out.

As I said earlier, it will become such an important part of my website if I can learn how to do all I wish to do. It is always a struggle, but therein lies much of the reward.

Gay Ann

1 comment:

  1. Gay Ann,

    I was looking at both photographs, the one before and the one after which shows the completed project and I was trying to pay close attention to everything that you have added to it since you started working back on it and I must say that it makes such a tremendously big difference in the outcome of this project. The new additions have really transformed it to such a great extent, which proves to me that if we don't succeed at first, we must not give up right away on a project and see what else we can change and/or add to it to make it something we will love.

    It would be real helpful if you could put the two photos next to one another as it would make it much easier for us to see the before and after as I found it a bit difficult for me to keep moving back and forth betwen the two and I believe that there are so much that we can learn from this.

    Pierrette =^..^=
