Sunday, September 30, 2007

Redwork Mystery: Surprise #7, The Dining Room

Some of you are just too too smart: you figured out Surprise Window #7, the Dining Room.

I can't believe we have only one more window. I have enjoyed this mystery so much! Hope you have too.

I will post a note as soon as I have shipped them.

Gay Ann

Friday, September 07, 2007

Redwork Mystery: Surprise #6 is in the Mail!

I sent off all patterns for Surprise Window #6 late this afternoon. I got to the post office just as they were collecting the mail so I watched the packages disappear into the big bin on wheels.

The patterns should reach you all in a few days. I hope you enjoy my favorite of the rooms.

Gay Ann

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Redwork Mystery: Surprise #6 The Stitching Room

Here is my favorite room in the redwork house, my Stitching Room.
To see it in place on the sampler, go to my website, and click on group designs.

I will mail the patterns probably on September 7.

Gay Ann