Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Celebrating My Website's 10th Anniversary: 10 Years of Online Needlepoint Designs

On June 1  I will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Queendom Website. It doesn't seem possible that these 10 years have flown by.

I began with this blog in 2006. My computer skills back then were all but non-existant and Laura Zickus set up this blog and taught me how to post on it.

I remember the first time I figured out how to post a photo on this blog. I had spent the day clicking around and trying to figure out how to post a photo and I clicked the right button and bingo, there was the photo on my blog.

The problem was, I had not a clue what I had done, so I had to click around some more to try and figure it out all over again.

From there I transitioned to my website.

For the rest of May I will retrace some of my steps from blog to website.
If you would like to follow along and see some of the first designs I sold,
travel to Queendom Website:

And on June 1 I will have a special small sale to commemorate the date.
So what will I sell?

A surprise I made especially with Queendom Website's history in mind.

Thank you to all of those of you who have followed this blog and my website all these years.

Gay Ann