A few groups have asked me if they can save a bit of money by having patterns shipped to a single address, even if they don't have the required number of 10 for the group rate.
The answer is yes, I can mail a group of patterns together for $4.00 per person instead of the single subscription rate of $10.00.
Thank you to the groups who have written to me about this.
Thanks for the heads up and for saving people a bit of money.
If you have questions, please write to me: GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
Gay Ann
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Pattern Available until June 1 08

Mystery in a Corner is a two-part geometric design.
The photo shows Part 1.
Part 2 is the Mystery.
Mysterious corners in mysterious patterns!
How the mystery works:
Registration is open from now until June 1 08.
I will mail Part 1 patterns between now and June 15 08. I will mail the Mysterious Part 2 patterns on or before July 15 08.
Ground fabric: 18-mesh canvas, 13" x 13" or congress cloth if you wish (you must change the weight of the thread).
Now is the time to be creative!
Begin with an overdyed thread (such as Watercolours) and choose coordinating colors of metallic thread and pearl cotton, floss or silk. Try a color combination you have always toyed with trying or return to an old favorite and try some new threads.
Shining Needle Society:
Join our online classrooms and enjoy chatting with others about your progress and your choices.
Membership is free, for an invitation write to KateGaunt@aol.com.
Price for Subscribers who register on or before June 1 08:
For single subscribers: $38.00 for both parts plus $10.00 for 2 mailings (Part 1 and Part 2).
For groups of 10 or more all mailed to a single leader: $32.00 per person, plus $4.00 for 2 mailings by Priority mail.
How to Register:
For single subscribers: send name, address and email to GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
For groups of 10 or more: send leader's name, address and email to GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com.
Payment in full is due on or before June 1 08.
Payment may be made by check or PayPal. Please email me for address: GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
If you have questions, please write.
Gay Ann
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Color Combinations #29, #30, #31 and #32

Here are the final four color combinations from Pam and Kim for Mystery in a Corner.
Putting together this collection was a huge amount of work and once again I wish to say thank you to Pam and Kim.
It has certainly enriched My Blog and my Shining Needle Classroom!
For those of you interested in the color combinations, contact
Pam Douda and Kim Propst
Telephone: 630-790-1660
Address: Tomorrow's Heirlooms
650 Roosevelt Road Suite 103, Glen Ellyn IL 60137
Gay Ann
P.S. Once again a reminder that I have no financial interest in Pam's and Kim's kits. I just thought they were beautiful!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Mystery in a Corner, color combos #25, $26, #27 and #28
Monday, April 14, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Color Combinations #21, #22, #23 and #24
Pam and Kim are back from their cruise and have sent me more color combinations for my Mystery in a Corner.
Here are #21, #22, #23 and #24. Enjoy!
I will post 4 more in a couple of days.
Meanwhile, here is the information about Pam and Kim again:
Pam Douda and Kim Propst
Telephone: 630-790-1660
Address: Tomorrow's Heirlooms
650 Roosevelt Road Suite 103, Glen Ellyn IL 60137.
And a reminder that I don't have any financial interest in the color combinations -- I just love them!
Gay Ann
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: early mailings of Part 1
I just thought I would let you know that I just mailed a bunch of Part 1 of my mystery, Mystery in a Corner, by priority.
You should have them sometime next week.
Registration for my mystery, both for groups and for individuals remains open until the deadline, June 1 08.
Questions? email me, GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
Gay Ann
You should have them sometime next week.
Registration for my mystery, both for groups and for individuals remains open until the deadline, June 1 08.
Questions? email me, GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
Gay Ann
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Op Ed: The ANG List Controversy and the Power of Design
I have followed with interest the posts about needlework classes on the ANG List in recent days.
In general the postings have reflected unrest with the classes at ANG's next seminar.
People have said maybe there aren't enough traditional classes, maybe not enough
beginner classes, maybe pay issues for teachers, maybe certification vs.non-certification, and a myriad of other such suggestions.
Then a post from Linda K. Reinmiller summed it all up:
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 09:53:48 -0700
From: lkreinmiller@juno.com
Subject: ang-list: Seminar classes
"I think I'm getting a little confused with this discussion. It started
off talking about the seminar classes - right? That people are concerned
that there aren't enough beginner level classes or that the classes are
too artsy for most stitchers - am I still on track here?
I just looked at my seminar book and I saw only11 classes that weren't
set projects. And 2 of those were learning about teaching, 1 was judging,
and 2 were studio time. Out of 56 classes that is a pretty small number,
less than 20%. I saw several that seem to fall into the whimsy catagory
as defined by this list. It is true I didn't see any beginner classes or
classes that dealt with basics.
So I am a little confused as to what the issues are.
Can someone clarify them for me. Sorry for being dense. If there are
several issues being all muddled together can someone sort them out so I
can follow the discussion?"
Linda K Reinmiller
Here is my answer to Linda, not on the ANG list but in my classroom at Shining Needle Society:
"I think the unrest stems from another issue not addressed in the ANG postings: the
importance of design in needlework.
As a way of offering proof of the importance of design in needlework I suggest
the following: if people see a seminar brochure full of beautiful designs, designs
that capture imaginations and make hearts sing, people will sign up for the classes. People
will sign up regardless of class level or the selection of stitches and threads in the
project, regardless of the teacher's name recognition, level of certification, and so forth. Such is
the power of design.
With this in mind I propose we talk here about design in needlework.
Let's start with this: when you look at a needlework design, what draws you to
it? What makes you want to stitch it?"
I am sorry to say that the commentary on the ANG list disintegrated into issues with personalities rather than the topic of classes and that is why I didn't answer on the ANG list. Happily, in my classroom we have had no rancor and no negativity, only the development of a fruitful discussion on the power of design in needlework.
If you would like to come and join our discussion about needlework and design, please come to Shining Needle Society.
Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com) will issue you an invitation. Membership is free.
Gay Ann
In general the postings have reflected unrest with the classes at ANG's next seminar.
People have said maybe there aren't enough traditional classes, maybe not enough
beginner classes, maybe pay issues for teachers, maybe certification vs.non-certification, and a myriad of other such suggestions.
Then a post from Linda K. Reinmiller summed it all up:
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 09:53:48 -0700
From: lkreinmiller@juno.com
Subject: ang-list: Seminar classes
"I think I'm getting a little confused with this discussion. It started
off talking about the seminar classes - right? That people are concerned
that there aren't enough beginner level classes or that the classes are
too artsy for most stitchers - am I still on track here?
I just looked at my seminar book and I saw only11 classes that weren't
set projects. And 2 of those were learning about teaching, 1 was judging,
and 2 were studio time. Out of 56 classes that is a pretty small number,
less than 20%. I saw several that seem to fall into the whimsy catagory
as defined by this list. It is true I didn't see any beginner classes or
classes that dealt with basics.
So I am a little confused as to what the issues are.
Can someone clarify them for me. Sorry for being dense. If there are
several issues being all muddled together can someone sort them out so I
can follow the discussion?"
Linda K Reinmiller
Here is my answer to Linda, not on the ANG list but in my classroom at Shining Needle Society:
"I think the unrest stems from another issue not addressed in the ANG postings: the
importance of design in needlework.
As a way of offering proof of the importance of design in needlework I suggest
the following: if people see a seminar brochure full of beautiful designs, designs
that capture imaginations and make hearts sing, people will sign up for the classes. People
will sign up regardless of class level or the selection of stitches and threads in the
project, regardless of the teacher's name recognition, level of certification, and so forth. Such is
the power of design.
With this in mind I propose we talk here about design in needlework.
Let's start with this: when you look at a needlework design, what draws you to
it? What makes you want to stitch it?"
I am sorry to say that the commentary on the ANG list disintegrated into issues with personalities rather than the topic of classes and that is why I didn't answer on the ANG list. Happily, in my classroom we have had no rancor and no negativity, only the development of a fruitful discussion on the power of design in needlework.
If you would like to come and join our discussion about needlework and design, please come to Shining Needle Society.
Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com) will issue you an invitation. Membership is free.
Gay Ann
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