Friday, September 25, 2009

My second design for my pre-week sale: a Sewing Case

This morning I posted the second design for my pre-week sale: Townhouse Sewing Case. It isn't actually for sale, it will be a class for Shining Needle Society in the spring; people who sign an interest list now will save a bit of money on the class, should they decide to take it. and click on 'Pre-Week 2'.

My third design will arrive on my website just before I leave to go to EGA's Pittsburgh Seminar on Oct. 2.

Gay Ann

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The First of My Designs for Wind-up to My Yearly Sale

Tomorrow morning I will post the first of the designs I will sell in the windup to my yearly sale, E-Merchandise Week.

Gay Ann

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The Epilogue to my Month-Long Needlework Mystery

My month-long needlework mystery finished yesterday with a trip home on our private jets.

Today begins a week-long Epilogue, followed by Prizes for E-Gemstone Star Awards.

Gay Ann