Wednesday, October 31, 2018

My Needlepoint Queens in the New Year: One Last Time

In August I sold my last needlepoint queen. I am essentially out of the queen business now.

But no sooner than I had sold my last queen, than people started asking me to bring back the queens so they could fill in the series.

One last time I will bring them back, likely next summer.
If you are missing one or two and would like to fill in the series, best to email me about being on my interest list.

My Needlepoint Queens are:
Elizabeth 1
Catherine the Great
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Queen Victoria.

I will enter names onto a interest list and will offer what kits I can make on a first come first serve basis for as long as they last.

I will offer them to people on the interest list first, then sell on the open market any that might be left over.

Saying 'good bye, Queens' for one last time next summer.

Gay Ann

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

One Last Needlepoint Queen and Then I am Finished

I like things in fours. I know the artistic world prefers things in threes, but I like fours.
I was trying to figure out why and I decided it has to do with the four seasons.

So until now I stitched four powerful women: Elizabeth 1, Catherine the Great and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Three is fine, but in keeping with my love of fours, I decided on a fourth and Last Queen.

Who is she? it is a secret until Friday, August 10.

This week, I have packed my e-jet and taken my followers on a trip to meet the Last Queen.
It is on my website each day.

Tomorrow (Wednesday August 8) we come closer to knowing her identity, and then Thursday, August 9 even closer.

It is my Last Queen and so I am partying on Thursday night with a stitch in into the wee hours.
You are welcome to join me -- I will be stitching away and posting notes in my Shining Needle Society Rooms -- and sometime around midnight New York time I will post one last playful page on my website, and then in the morning we will meet my Last Queen.

If you would like to play along visit my website:

Gay Ann

Friday, June 01, 2018

June 1, 2018: Queendom Website's Tenth Anniversary

Today Queendom Website is 10 years old! It doesn't seem possible, but it is so: Queendom Website went live 10 years ago to the wonder and amazement of everybody around Cody and me. Cody did all the nameserver and CPanel stuff and soon '' was pointing to my little iWeb website.

It took a while. Cody kept testing it. We waited, watching the screen, watching watching, and then suddenly there it was and I went skipping around the store as friends clicked through it on various computers around me.

I was so excited! I thought that day, my world really belongs to me now.

And not long afterwards a friend said to me, 'Gay Ann, that website is just like your own personal little kingdom' and I replied, 'yes indeedy, but it isn't a kingdom, it's a queendom'. And that's how Queendom Website got its name.

Queendom Website is all mine! I've told people, I'm Queen. It's not a democracy, it's an autocracy, and  sometimes run on whim. It's why I've always had an abundance of crowns everywhere, and likely always will.

It has been a great 10 years, without doubt my best and favorite years!

Now I face a very big challenge to keep going. I've promised myself I'll try, and I will stay another year or two for sure. I will know by the spring of 2020 if I can continue.

But that's ahead and now is now, and today I celebrate by picking up my needle for the whole day. I hope you will join me and help celebrate by stitching along with me.

My small celebration sale will start June 2 bright and early at 8:00 a.m. California time.  For today we kick back and rejoice with our Needles in our hands.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Celebrating My Website's 10th Anniversary: 10 Years of Online Needlepoint Designs

On June 1  I will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Queendom Website. It doesn't seem possible that these 10 years have flown by.

I began with this blog in 2006. My computer skills back then were all but non-existant and Laura Zickus set up this blog and taught me how to post on it.

I remember the first time I figured out how to post a photo on this blog. I had spent the day clicking around and trying to figure out how to post a photo and I clicked the right button and bingo, there was the photo on my blog.

The problem was, I had not a clue what I had done, so I had to click around some more to try and figure it out all over again.

From there I transitioned to my website.

For the rest of May I will retrace some of my steps from blog to website.
If you would like to follow along and see some of the first designs I sold,
travel to Queendom Website:

And on June 1 I will have a special small sale to commemorate the date.
So what will I sell?

A surprise I made especially with Queendom Website's history in mind.

Thank you to all of those of you who have followed this blog and my website all these years.

Gay Ann