Thank you to all of you who made my first E-Merchandise Week quite an experience! I have sold patterns and kits at merchandise nights at seminars for several years but this was a first. It was great fun to e-chat with so many of you! Thank you for all your notes, especially notes of encouragement. Often, when I felt overwhelmed by it all, those notes really helped.
This is a roundabout way of saying I am keeping up fairly well with your orders. I am still waiting for a single thread and the supplier has promised me it will be here soon. Its delayed arrival may hold up a few of your packages and I apologize for the inconvenience. I will write to those of you who are influenced by it. I have high hopes that the rest of the packages will be in the mail a week from now.
So what are you going to do with all of these patterns I am mailing to you? I have an idea.
I have asked Kate Gaunt and Marie-Therese Baker if they will let me keep my Shining Needle Chat Room after my mystery finishes next month. I would like to turn it into E-Studio Time for a while. That way you can all get to work and it will be fun if you share your progress. Please come and join Shining Needle Society by writing to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com).
So what about a second E-Merchandise Week? When will it be? Jane Zimmerman told me that Brigadoon returns every hundred years. I told her it dates us both that we even know about Brigadoon! I hope it will be sometime before a hundred years from now. How about thinking about it a year from now. If any of you have reflections or suggestions for me, please write to me, GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com or post them here on my blog.
Meanwhile, I say goodbye to E-Merchandise Week with a photo of one of the most recent additions to my heart collection, Santa's Heart. I have to chuckle: remember the days when Christmas didn't go up in the stores until after Thanksgiving? Long gone are those days!
So Santa's Heart won't feel strange here for a while.
Again, thank you!
Gay Ann