Saturday, January 31, 2009

February on my Website

February has arrived on my website and along with it hearts, flowers, candy, romance and a new topic, Courting Inspiration.
All month long I will post small sources of inspiration for needlework, beginning with computer wallpapers on my Magic Carpet .

I hope we will discuss all sorts of inspiration in my classroom at Shining Needle Society along with New Year's Resolution Ornaments, maybe people will even incorporate small inspirations into their editions of the ornaments. and click on any of the photos on my home page.
Enjoy! See you at Shining Needle Society.
Gay Ann

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Date is Set

The date is set for me to start my Shining Needle Society class for New Year's Resolution Ornament #2.
This is a simple little ornament, small, fast and easy to stitch, a perfect project to start and finish and enjoy a couple of color lessons.

We will officially start class for New Year's Resolution Ornament #2 on February 1. I hope you will join us.

Then after New Year's Resolution Ornament comes my group project for the year, called A Case for Color.
I will post information about it soon. Meanwhile, I hope to see you in my classroom at Shining Needle Society.

Gay Ann

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Classes at Callaway 2010

I am home again from Callaway 2009 and have just posted photos of some of the classes for next year (2010).

If you would like to see some very nice classes, go to my website, and click on
'More Callaway' on the yellow navigation bar.
Then click on the blue buttons called Callaway 15, Callaway 16 and Callaway 17 and then enjoy!

It is good to be home again. Soon I will start 'New Year's Resolution #2' in my Classroom at Shining Needle Society.
To those of you who ordered patterns while I was at Callaway, I will start filling orders very soon and will post my progress in News&Views on my website.

Good to be home again!
Gay Ann

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day at Callaway Gardens

In celebration of Inauguration Day today, I have posted a video of Tony Minieri and all the stitchers at Callaway School of Needle Arts singing 'America the Beautiful' on my website.

To find the video, go to and click on 'Callaway 1' on the yellow navigation bar, then click on the blue button 'Callaway 12'

Each day I have been at Callaway I have posted photos of our needlework seminar in hopes people would see beautiful Callaway and have a feeling for the seminar here that goes on each January.

Gay Ann

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am at beautiful Callaway Gardens School of Needle Arts

For 11 wonderful days I am at Callaway Gardens School of Needle Arts in Pine Mountain Georgia.
Here each year in early January we who love embroidery meet for classes, companionship, beautiful scenery and entirely too much FOOD!
One photo I have posted is of the view from my room -- truly A Room with a View.
The other two photos are of the needlework boutique here where all students and teachers too may shop.
For information about Callaway Gardens, call 1-800-7-NEEDLE.
For many more photos of my life at Callaway, visit my website,, click on 'Callaway 1' on the Navigation Bar and then on the blue buttons saying Callaway 2, 3, 4, etc. Most of all enjoy! I hope you will feel like you are here with me.
Gay Ann

Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year's Resolution Ornament #2

New Year's Resolution Ornament #2 is the second of my New Year's Day color-exercise ornaments for people wishing to expand their color horizons. Details are posted on my website,, Small Designs.
We will soon be discussing New Year's Resolution Ornament #2 in my Shining Needle Society classroom, so I hope you will join us there.
Gay Ann