Just a year ago I posted New Year's Resolution Ornament #1 to welcome 2008 and now it is time for 2009.
Tomorrow morning bright and early I will post photos and information for ordering New Year's Resolution Ornament #2.
A year gone by!
I hope it was a good stitching year for all of you.
For me it was an eventful year as I transitioned to running my own website.
To see New Year's Resolution Ornament #2, visit my website on New Year's morning.
SEE you there!
Happy New Year!
Gay Ann
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A New Term arrives at Shining Needle Society
This morning I posted the beginning of a new term in my classroom at Shining Needle Society. It is about a gift from you to you. Gather together three threads and a scrap of canvas, wrap them up from you to you and on Christmas morning the assignment will arrive via Shining Needle Society post.
It is a simple, easy little exercise to kick off the new term in my classroom.
New Year's Resolution Ornament #2 will arrive on New Year's Day and it is geared toward the focus of our class term too, then I will announce the year's project, likely at Callaway (where I will be January 10-21).
At Callaway we are planning a little impromptu class for New Year's Resolution Ornament #2 one evening each session at Callaway, so bring your stretcher bars (8" x 8" minis) and thumb tacks. Pam will have kits for all who wish them, so not to worry about supplies.
Then when we are back from Callaway Pam and Kim will put together color photos of combinations for New Year's Resolution Ornament #2 and I will for certain post them on my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com
Meanwhile, come join us at Shining Needle Society and kick off the new term! Write to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership in Shining Needle Society as well as in my classroom there is free.
It is a simple, easy little exercise to kick off the new term in my classroom.
New Year's Resolution Ornament #2 will arrive on New Year's Day and it is geared toward the focus of our class term too, then I will announce the year's project, likely at Callaway (where I will be January 10-21).
At Callaway we are planning a little impromptu class for New Year's Resolution Ornament #2 one evening each session at Callaway, so bring your stretcher bars (8" x 8" minis) and thumb tacks. Pam will have kits for all who wish them, so not to worry about supplies.
Then when we are back from Callaway Pam and Kim will put together color photos of combinations for New Year's Resolution Ornament #2 and I will for certain post them on my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com
Meanwhile, come join us at Shining Needle Society and kick off the new term! Write to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership in Shining Needle Society as well as in my classroom there is free.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Last Day to Report E-Week Shortages
Today is the final day for you to report E-Week shortages.
The time to report shortages expires at 5:00 pm California time.
Then Christmas will arrive at my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com.
Come and enjoy the season with me.
Gay Ann
The time to report shortages expires at 5:00 pm California time.
Then Christmas will arrive at my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com.
Come and enjoy the season with me.
Gay Ann
Sunday, December 14, 2008
One More Day to Report Shortages for E-Week
If you have been following my website, you will know that I have imposed a deadline of December 15 for reporting pattern and kit shortages from my E-Week Sale.
Please let me know asap if you don't have all you should have! After I send off the reported shortages, I am going on hiatus from Mail Jail until the New Year.
To follow my notes on the wrap up of my E-Week Sale last October, please visit my website:
and click on News&Views and other pages on the Navigation Bar pertaining to E-Week.
Meanwhile, as soon as I wrap up E-Week, Christmas will arrive on my website. Watch for treats and surprises in the days before Christmas.
Gay Ann
Please let me know asap if you don't have all you should have! After I send off the reported shortages, I am going on hiatus from Mail Jail until the New Year.
To follow my notes on the wrap up of my E-Week Sale last October, please visit my website:
and click on News&Views and other pages on the Navigation Bar pertaining to E-Week.
Meanwhile, as soon as I wrap up E-Week, Christmas will arrive on my website. Watch for treats and surprises in the days before Christmas.
Gay Ann
Friday, December 05, 2008
Slide Shows of Mystery in a Corner
I am beginning my wrap up of a project lasting most of 2008, so I have posted on my website two slide shows of Mysteries in a Corner completed by people in my Shining Needle Society classroom.
To see the slide shows visit www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on MIAC Slide Show 1 and MIAC Slide Show 2 on the navigation bar.
Gay Ann
To see the slide shows visit www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on MIAC Slide Show 1 and MIAC Slide Show 2 on the navigation bar.
Gay Ann
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving Weekend Stitch In
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody out there in Stitcherland.
Tomorrow we in my classroom at Shining Needle Society are celebrating Thanksgiving Weekend by having a Stitch In. I hope you will join us.
Just stitch for at least half an hour sometime on Sunday and then report about your progress to my Shining Needle Society classroom. I have asked people to work on Mystery in a Corner or on Challenge Ornament in hopes that many will come close to finishing one or the other.
To join Shining Needle Society contract Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership is free.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Gay Ann
Tomorrow we in my classroom at Shining Needle Society are celebrating Thanksgiving Weekend by having a Stitch In. I hope you will join us.
Just stitch for at least half an hour sometime on Sunday and then report about your progress to my Shining Needle Society classroom. I have asked people to work on Mystery in a Corner or on Challenge Ornament in hopes that many will come close to finishing one or the other.
To join Shining Needle Society contract Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership is free.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Gay Ann
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The First Shining Needle Society Certificates Awarded
In my classroom at Shining Needle Society I have awarded the first two certificates for completing the 2008 term. Congratulations to Jen Kaplan and Shay Lywitzki.
To earn the certificate each stitched Challenge Ornament and answered a series of questions about choices for the ornament.
To see a copy of the certificate, visit my website www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on "SNS Certificate."
I know that more people are working diligently on Challenge Ornament, so I hope to be awarding more certificates soon.
To join Shining Needle Society, an enthusiastic group of 2000+ members, write to Kate Gaunt
Gay Ann
To earn the certificate each stitched Challenge Ornament and answered a series of questions about choices for the ornament.
To see a copy of the certificate, visit my website www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on "SNS Certificate."
I know that more people are working diligently on Challenge Ornament, so I hope to be awarding more certificates soon.
To join Shining Needle Society, an enthusiastic group of 2000+ members, write to Kate Gaunt
Gay Ann
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A New Page on My Website
Now that my website is nearly 5 months old, I thought it time to ask for feedback.
If you have comments or suggestions for me, would you email them to
and I will post them on a new page on my website for Emails to the Queen (that's me -- I am Queen of my Website).
I look forward to hearing from you.
Gay Ann
If you have comments or suggestions for me, would you email them to
and I will post them on a new page on my website for Emails to the Queen (that's me -- I am Queen of my Website).
I look forward to hearing from you.
Gay Ann
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Information about My Instructions
As many of you are opening packages from E-Week filled with my instructions, I thought I should write a bit about them, particularly for those of you who are new to the way I write instructions. They are not like cross stitch patterns, and I hope I do a credible job of describing why and how they are different.
I just finished posting the information on my website. Look for "My Instructions" on the navigation bar.
On Saturday the StitchAlong for Hollyhock House begins with Ann Blalock as leader. She proofed Hollyhock House when it was new, so my guess is she will be a great help to everyone. In synch with the StitchAlong, I will start writing about the history of Hollyhock House also on Saturday.
Gay Ann
I just finished posting the information on my website. Look for "My Instructions" on the navigation bar.
On Saturday the StitchAlong for Hollyhock House begins with Ann Blalock as leader. She proofed Hollyhock House when it was new, so my guess is she will be a great help to everyone. In synch with the StitchAlong, I will start writing about the history of Hollyhock House also on Saturday.
Gay Ann
Monday, November 03, 2008
Hollyhock House and a Year-Long StitchAlong
In a short while Shining Needle Society will start a year-long StitchAlong for Hollyhock House. Anybody who has the pattern, whether from the classes I taught or from the sale on my website is invited to participate. If you would like to take part, contact Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com).
The StitchAlong will be led by my chief proofer, Ann Blalock. She stitched the piece when it was new and sent me all the corrections she found. Ann is very funny and the StitchAlong should be a lot of fun.
To go along with the StitchAlong, I plan to tell the story of Hollyhock House, ie why and how I designed the piece, the journey stitching it and a running commentary about it on my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com, and click on Hollyhock House Story on my navigation bar. I plan to tell the story in a series of 'chapters' starting Nov 4.
Gay Ann
The StitchAlong will be led by my chief proofer, Ann Blalock. She stitched the piece when it was new and sent me all the corrections she found. Ann is very funny and the StitchAlong should be a lot of fun.
To go along with the StitchAlong, I plan to tell the story of Hollyhock House, ie why and how I designed the piece, the journey stitching it and a running commentary about it on my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com, and click on Hollyhock House Story on my navigation bar. I plan to tell the story in a series of 'chapters' starting Nov 4.
Gay Ann
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Happy Birthday, Shining Needle Society

Today is Shining Needle Society's First Birthday. A year ago today Kate Gaunt and Marie-Therese Baker opened Shining Needle Society's first classroom and invited 200 people from my Yahoo chatroom to join. In the last year Shining Needle Society has grown to 2000 stitcher-members and daily it continues to grow.
Today in honor of Shining Needle Society's birthday we are having a Cyber-Stitch-In. Everybody who would like to participate stitches for at least half an hour and then writes about her progress. Several friends and I will spend the day stitching at Needle Point of La Jolla in celebration.
If you would like to join Shining Needle Society, contact Kate Gaunt, KateGaunt@aol.com.
For Shining Needle Society celebrations, visit my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com
There I have posted my own recollections of the past year on my Magic Carpet (home page and click on the photos).
So once again, Happy Birthday, Shining Needle Society and many happy returns!
Gay Ann
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Decorated for Halloween!
Early this a.m. I finished decorating my website for Halloween. Best part? My Magic Carpet! Hidden underneath the projects on my Home Page are an array of photographs -- from my favorite Halloween design (a bridge tally from the 1920's) to the best Black Cat I know, a dude named Jake. And top of it all, my Sarah Palin Pumpkin.
I hope you will visit before it all vanishes.
Gay Ann
I hope you will visit before it all vanishes.
Gay Ann
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Mail Jail, Halloween and a Happy Birthday Wishes!
I am deep in Mail Jail because of E-Week and I keep waiting for someone to send me a 'get out of jail free' card, but so far no body has sent one. So day by day on my website I post my progress. So far I have mailed over 100 packages.
Meanwhile where has October gone? Here it is, just several days till Halloween. I just decorated my website for Halloween and even left a photo hidden of the most beautiful Halloween design I know of. A bridge tally from the 1920's. It is hidden on my Magic Carpet.
And next up? Happy First Birthday to Shining Needle Society! In its honor we are having a Cyber-Stitch-In to celebrate the day, November 1. I will be in Needlepoint of La Jolla and will post photos of the festivities. Shining Needle Society is now 2000 members strong! So exciting!
So Happy Happy Birthday, Shining Needle Society!
Gay Ann
Meanwhile where has October gone? Here it is, just several days till Halloween. I just decorated my website for Halloween and even left a photo hidden of the most beautiful Halloween design I know of. A bridge tally from the 1920's. It is hidden on my Magic Carpet.
And next up? Happy First Birthday to Shining Needle Society! In its honor we are having a Cyber-Stitch-In to celebrate the day, November 1. I will be in Needlepoint of La Jolla and will post photos of the festivities. Shining Needle Society is now 2000 members strong! So exciting!
So Happy Happy Birthday, Shining Needle Society!
Gay Ann
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What's New!
E-Week closed yesterday and I have my finale in place. This is 'sunset season' in Southern California and this past week we saw two memorable sunsets. If you want some color inspiration do go and have a look. They were so memorable, those 2 sunsets. Even though I was mired down in E-Week business, we took time to enjoy them. I added to the finale a couple of photos of the sun rising and of one morning's foggy mist. These show how the planes of a landscape recede so well that they should be a nice inspiration for anyone stitching landscapes.
To see my finale to E-Week, go to
www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on 'Finale'
For those of you who ordered patterns at E-Week you might wish to check my website page called 'Life After E-Week.' It is going to take me a while to mail all of the orders, so I decided I should post my progress each day. Today I kept myself busy with beads. And not to overwhelm my poor printer, I am taking patterns to him in batches. He will do them overnight, so as they come in, I will put them together.
Shining Needle Society reached 2000 members today! Just before its first birthday. We will have a big birthday celebration on November 1. I will write more about it soon.
To join Shining Needle Society, write to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership is free.
Gay Ann
To see my finale to E-Week, go to
www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on 'Finale'
For those of you who ordered patterns at E-Week you might wish to check my website page called 'Life After E-Week.' It is going to take me a while to mail all of the orders, so I decided I should post my progress each day. Today I kept myself busy with beads. And not to overwhelm my poor printer, I am taking patterns to him in batches. He will do them overnight, so as they come in, I will put them together.
Shining Needle Society reached 2000 members today! Just before its first birthday. We will have a big birthday celebration on November 1. I will write more about it soon.
To join Shining Needle Society, write to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership is free.
Gay Ann
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
As E-Week Draws to a Close: MY SPECTACULAR FINALE
E-Merchandise Week 2008 is almost over. Only today and tomorrow till the close of business, 5 p.m. on the West Coast.
As E-Week 2008 draws to a close tomorrow afternoon, I have planned as spectacular a finale as I can imagine.
Please stop by after 6 p.m. on Wednesday October 22 and in the days that follow and see if you don't agree, it is SPECTACULAR!
Come also and read about my plans for life after E-Week. I have some fun activities planned, so see you soon, I hope.
Thank you to everyone who came to E-Week!
Gay Ann
As E-Week 2008 draws to a close tomorrow afternoon, I have planned as spectacular a finale as I can imagine.
Please stop by after 6 p.m. on Wednesday October 22 and in the days that follow and see if you don't agree, it is SPECTACULAR!
Come also and read about my plans for life after E-Week. I have some fun activities planned, so see you soon, I hope.
Thank you to everyone who came to E-Week!
Gay Ann
Sunday, October 19, 2008
E-WEEK! Half way through and Up for air!

MacSoph is my computer. I have been tied to her, as Jocelyn described, and she and I are working overtime!
So much is happening on my website!
Most exciting new development: a year-long stitchalong for Hollyhock House in Student Lounge at Shining Needle Society!
Don't miss the opportunity to join Shining Needle Society (email KateGaunt@aol.com, membership is free)
And don't miss the opportunity to have Hollyhock House and join in the stitchalong.
To see more details about Hollyhock House and ordering information, go to my website
www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on "Samplers for Sale."
E-Week is half-way through! E-Week closes on October 22 when the California post offices close.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
E-Week Eve
It is the day before my 2nd Annual E-Merchandise Week begins and I am close to solving my website mystery.
I am hoping I will have everything in order by the early morning hours.
Gay Ann
I am hoping I will have everything in order by the early morning hours.
Gay Ann
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Hoping to Resolve My Website Mystery
With only 3 days left till the beginning of my E-Merchandise Week, I am hoping to resolve the mystery happening on my website right now. In the last few days I have discovered several clues and I think I might have an idea what is going on.
I certainly hope I can find a resolution before the morning of October 15.
It is suspenseful.
Gay Ann
I certainly hope I can find a resolution before the morning of October 15.
It is suspenseful.
Gay Ann
Friday, October 10, 2008
Turmoil on My Website!
To advertise E-Merchandise Week I have had a series of animated gifs on my Home Page.
Last night in the wee hours of the night some mysterious happenings occurred on my magic carpet.
My animated gifs got scared and ran away.
Where are they?
I am looking for them as I write.
As soon as I find them I will try to coax them to return.
Which alphabets will brave the trip back?
Well, that is a mystery isn't it.
Stay tuned.
What will I sell this year?
Well that's a mystery too, isn't it.
On October 15 visit my website:
The mysterious Gay Ann
Last night in the wee hours of the night some mysterious happenings occurred on my magic carpet.
My animated gifs got scared and ran away.
Where are they?
I am looking for them as I write.
As soon as I find them I will try to coax them to return.
Which alphabets will brave the trip back?
Well, that is a mystery isn't it.
Stay tuned.
What will I sell this year?
Well that's a mystery too, isn't it.
On October 15 visit my website:
The mysterious Gay Ann
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
My Girls are back again, on my website!

At E-Merchandise Week last year I sold the patterns for Flower Girl, Strawberry Girl, Acorn Girl and Snowflake Girl. I had not intended to sell them again this year, but with my website came requests for them again.
So they are back.
Drop by and say hello to them:
www.GayAnnRogers.com, click on My Girls for Sale.
Only 14 days till E-Merchandise Week....
Gay Ann
Saturday, September 20, 2008
E-Merchandise Week Sale features Hollyhock House Sampler

My Second Annual E-Merchandise Week sale is less than a month from now and day by day I am adding photos of the designs I will sell this year.
This year I will sell the instructions for one of my best samplers, The Guardian Angels of Hollyhock House.
For details see my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on 'Samplers for Sale.'
Gay Ann
Monday, September 15, 2008
A Month until E-Merchandise Week
It is exactly a month before my Second Annual E-Merchandise Week and I have just posted a photo of the first thing for sale this year. It is one of the best samplers I have ever designed and stitched.
To see a photo and information about it, visit my website and enjoy.
Gay Ann
To see a photo and information about it, visit my website and enjoy.
Gay Ann
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My Second Annual E-Merchandise Week
My Second Annual E-Merchandise Week starts in a month and two days. Like last year's it will run for a week, from October 15 through October 21, then just like Brigadoon it will disappear.
On September 15 (that's two days from now) I will post my first design for sale, a pre-week offering of one of the best things I have ever stitched!
Watch for a photo here; watch for price and information about ordering it on my website
www.GayAnnRogers.com, then click on E-Merchandise Week.
The wind-up will start soon....
Gay Ann
On September 15 (that's two days from now) I will post my first design for sale, a pre-week offering of one of the best things I have ever stitched!
Watch for a photo here; watch for price and information about ordering it on my website
www.GayAnnRogers.com, then click on E-Merchandise Week.
The wind-up will start soon....
Gay Ann
Sunday, September 07, 2008
EGA Seminar in Louisville: Photos

Each day I took photos at the seminar and posted them on my website. These are my three favorite ones: Ann, Jane and Lynn all cracking up! That's what I love best about seminar: lots of good times!
I had wonderful classes and a wonderful time at this very special seminar.
To see more of my photos from seminar go to:
www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on EGA photos.
Gay Ann
Mystery in a Corner Sales to Close on September 20
Thursday, September 04, 2008
EGA Seminar in Louisville
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Completed Mysteries on My Website
I just finished posting completed Mysteries in a Corner on my website in Galleries. They are all from my classroom at Shining Needle Society and they look wonderful!
To see them go to www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on 'Gallery 1' then on the blue buttons.
Thank you, those of you who sent photos to me.
Gay Ann
To see them go to www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on 'Gallery 1' then on the blue buttons.
Thank you, those of you who sent photos to me.
Gay Ann
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Colors for Challenge Ornament!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Twilight Angel: Two Days to Go
Twilight Angel will stay up on my website for 2 days more. At the end of the business day on August 20, she vanishes.
For details go to www.GayAnnRogers.com, scroll down and click on Strawberry Girl.
Twilight Angel is hiding there.
Gay Ann
For details go to www.GayAnnRogers.com, scroll down and click on Strawberry Girl.
Twilight Angel is hiding there.
Gay Ann
Friday, August 15, 2008
Shining Needle Society's Dog Days of Summer Stitch In

We all met at Needlepoint of La Jolla today for Shining Needle Society's Dog Days of Summer Stitch In. It turned into a Stitch and Chat and we all enjoyed ourselves.
For more photos of us at Needlepoint of La Jolla, please go to my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on Dog Days.
Our group included Carol C., Jill R., Sandy H. and the two doyennes of needlepoint in La Jolla, Bernice and Carrell B.
Gay Ann
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Mystery in a Corner Updated on My Website
This morning I posted 6 completed Mysteries in a Corner on my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com, click on Gallery 1, then visit Gallery 2 and Gallery 3.
I posted Part 1 and the finished Mystery so that people can compare what happened to the design as it moved on.
Thank you to the people who completed their mysteries and sent photos to me.
Gay Ann
I posted Part 1 and the finished Mystery so that people can compare what happened to the design as it moved on.
Thank you to the people who completed their mysteries and sent photos to me.
Gay Ann
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Challenge Ornament, Painting Skills and Twilight Angel

People have been buying paint supplies and gathering together scraps of canvas and we are about to try coloring canvas ground. It is such a good exercise because it does away with the starkness of the ground and it makes a nice subtle statement.
I stitched Twilight Angel on ecru canvas but if I were to stitch her again, I would wash a gentle color on the canvas, add just a touch of glitter and stitch away. I might also crop her differently this time around and with the thought in mind, I have posted here just a detail of Twilight Angel. I like the way she looks in this photograph.
For the full Twilight Angel, please go to my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com, scroll down on the Home Page, and take a peek at her by clicking on Strawberry Girl. She was hiding there till I made a mistake and blew her cover. The pattern is for sale there until August 20 (also a result of my blowing her cover).
To join our discussions of painting color, color choices, Challenge Ornament and Twilight Angel, contact KateGaunt@aol.com.
Membership in Shining Needle Society is free, as is membership in my classroom.
Gay Ann
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Twilight Angel and A New Dimension for Challenge Ornament
I have been mailing out Challenge Ornament Patterns and I hope people enjoy planning this little ornament. I leave a lot of decisions to the maker and I am anxious to see what people do with the ornament.
In the interest of adding a dimension to the challenge, I plan to teach how to paint a wash over a canvas ground. My method is a little unconventional but I hope it makes the task easy. So many canvas grounds are so stark: stark white, stark green, stark blue. My idea is to soften the color a bit, add a bit of mystery in the ways of swirls and color, in short to add a design dimension to the ground fabric.
The whole idea evolved a few days ago when Pierrette P. wrote to ask me about the color of the ground fabric for my Twilight Angel (whom I had hidden under Strawberry Girl on my website Home Page with the pattern for sale). I answered that I would, if I were to stitch her again, wash a gentle color on the ground fabric and add a bit of glitter. Just a bit. So that Twilight Angel would look like she vanishes and appears in gentle swirls.
Twilight Angel remains one of the prettiest designs I have stitched, if I do say so. I taught her at Callaway several years ago and I also won the Ann Speiss Mills Angel award for her one year at ANG's exhibit. Sorry, I don't remember which year.
(As an aside, the ribbon arrived with a pretty stitched center which I like, so I keep it hanging on my bookcase. It is all faded now and tattered, but I still like the stitched center).
To see Twilight Angel, go to www.GayAnnRogers.com Home Page, scroll down and click on Strawberry Girl. She is hiding underneath Strawberry Girl, a secret to see who discovered her until it all erupted (due to a mistake I made) and is public now.
Members of my Shining Needle Society classroom have written that they are willing to try, so the fun and games will begin shortly. I plan to mail a small and unconventional supplies list to members of Shining Needle Society today. The emphasis here is on unconventional canvas painting 101. Entry level.
To join Shining Needle Society, go to www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on the link on my Home Page.
Gay Ann
In the interest of adding a dimension to the challenge, I plan to teach how to paint a wash over a canvas ground. My method is a little unconventional but I hope it makes the task easy. So many canvas grounds are so stark: stark white, stark green, stark blue. My idea is to soften the color a bit, add a bit of mystery in the ways of swirls and color, in short to add a design dimension to the ground fabric.
The whole idea evolved a few days ago when Pierrette P. wrote to ask me about the color of the ground fabric for my Twilight Angel (whom I had hidden under Strawberry Girl on my website Home Page with the pattern for sale). I answered that I would, if I were to stitch her again, wash a gentle color on the ground fabric and add a bit of glitter. Just a bit. So that Twilight Angel would look like she vanishes and appears in gentle swirls.
Twilight Angel remains one of the prettiest designs I have stitched, if I do say so. I taught her at Callaway several years ago and I also won the Ann Speiss Mills Angel award for her one year at ANG's exhibit. Sorry, I don't remember which year.
(As an aside, the ribbon arrived with a pretty stitched center which I like, so I keep it hanging on my bookcase. It is all faded now and tattered, but I still like the stitched center).
To see Twilight Angel, go to www.GayAnnRogers.com Home Page, scroll down and click on Strawberry Girl. She is hiding underneath Strawberry Girl, a secret to see who discovered her until it all erupted (due to a mistake I made) and is public now.
Members of my Shining Needle Society classroom have written that they are willing to try, so the fun and games will begin shortly. I plan to mail a small and unconventional supplies list to members of Shining Needle Society today. The emphasis here is on unconventional canvas painting 101. Entry level.
To join Shining Needle Society, go to www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on the link on my Home Page.
Gay Ann
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Challenge Ornament: Color Combinations

Here are 5 new color combinations for Challenge Ornament from Pam and Kim, Tomorrow's Heirlooms.
Pam Douda and Kim Propst
Tomorrow's Heirlooms
Email: TomHeir@aol.com
Telephone: 630-790-1660
Address: 650 Roosevelt Rd. Suite 103, Glen Ellyn IL 60137
For information on Challenge Ornament visit my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on 'Small Designs.'
Gay Ann
Monday, August 04, 2008
Challenge Ornament

Here is the center design from an old geometric of mine, Diamond Roundabout. I have reworked and rewritten the instructions so that it becomes a color and texture challenge, a little exam for those who have worked Mystery in a Corner, or a little personal challenge for those who didn’t.
The price for the Challenge Ornament is $12.00 (including postage).
Details for ordering 'Challenge Ornament' are on my website
then click on 'Small Designs.'
Gay Ann
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Mystery in a Corner, Shining Needle Society and Summer
Jeanne W's completed Mystery in a Corner. Thank you, Jeanne, for letting me use it here.
The Dog Days of Summer are upon us, Mystery in a Corner is winding down as the first completed mysteries trickle in. I have enjoyed the project and most of all, I have enjoyed the response to color.
Mystery in a Corner was a simple geometric. The stitches I used in it were basic, mostly techniques that someone would learn in lesson 2 or 3 of needlepoint. My idea was to take the emphasis off of technique and focus on color and texture. I am pleased it seems to have worked, as most of the discussions in my Shining Needle Society classroom have been about color choices and how they evolve as the stitcher stitches.
So it is approaching the end of Shining Needle's School Term, only one task left: FINAL EXAMS! August 1 is the beginning of Final Exam Month in my classroom at Shining Needle Society. And I have had a very interesting offer having to do with Mystery in a Corner and with its final exam. So stay tuned....
Gay Ann
Monday, July 21, 2008
My Classroom at Shining Needle Society reaches 700!
Today is noteworthy because my classroom at Shining Needle Society reached 700 people.
As it approaches its 10th month, Shining Needle Society itself stands at over 1500 people and it continues to grow every day.
For membership contact Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership is free.
Gay Ann
As it approaches its 10th month, Shining Needle Society itself stands at over 1500 people and it continues to grow every day.
For membership contact Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership is free.
Gay Ann
Friday, July 18, 2008
Almost Ready for EGA's BIG 50th Celebration!
I am excited to be teaching at EGA's big celebration seminar at the end of August.
I just posted photos and descriptions of the three classes I am teaching at seminar this year on my website.
I am teaching a big four-day sampler, one of my favorite, called A Hundred Flowers, after the poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay, a two-day sewing case, a little Townhouse inspired by the row houses in a certain area of London (although many people have told me it looks like New Orleans houses) and a one day Redwork Friendship Sampler. A friend of mine says the little Crinoline Ladies on the Friendship Sampler look like they are the people who live in my Redwork Mystery House from last year. Maybe so.
To see my EGA projects go to www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on 'EGA Classes' on the Navigation Bar.
Right now I am absolutely mired down in Kit preparation and Mail Jail, for in addition to my EGA classes, I have reopened subscription to Mystery in a Corner for people who belong to Shining Needle Society and I have been selling a little perforated paper ornament on my website. It is almost more than I can do, but still nothing like my E-Merchandise Week was last year. That is the most I have ever packed and mailed! I don't know that I could have done it without my DH (whose organizational skills are ever so much better than mine).
This year I think I will do E-Merchandise Week again. I say this with some fear and trepidation, for DH has said that he plans to organize the whole thing this year. Has anyone ever had a husband reorganize the kitchen? Well, you know what I face then.
Meanwhile, on with Kits and Mail Jail.
Gay Ann
I just posted photos and descriptions of the three classes I am teaching at seminar this year on my website.
I am teaching a big four-day sampler, one of my favorite, called A Hundred Flowers, after the poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay, a two-day sewing case, a little Townhouse inspired by the row houses in a certain area of London (although many people have told me it looks like New Orleans houses) and a one day Redwork Friendship Sampler. A friend of mine says the little Crinoline Ladies on the Friendship Sampler look like they are the people who live in my Redwork Mystery House from last year. Maybe so.
To see my EGA projects go to www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on 'EGA Classes' on the Navigation Bar.
Right now I am absolutely mired down in Kit preparation and Mail Jail, for in addition to my EGA classes, I have reopened subscription to Mystery in a Corner for people who belong to Shining Needle Society and I have been selling a little perforated paper ornament on my website. It is almost more than I can do, but still nothing like my E-Merchandise Week was last year. That is the most I have ever packed and mailed! I don't know that I could have done it without my DH (whose organizational skills are ever so much better than mine).
This year I think I will do E-Merchandise Week again. I say this with some fear and trepidation, for DH has said that he plans to organize the whole thing this year. Has anyone ever had a husband reorganize the kitchen? Well, you know what I face then.
Meanwhile, on with Kits and Mail Jail.
Gay Ann
Monday, July 14, 2008
One of My Highlights of 2008 and Why
A Newbie just joined Shining Needle Society and she wrote to me asking about Mystery in a Corner. I have been busy all day long answering emails, doing bookkeeping, posting in Yahoo groups and so forth.
I was answering her email, just offhand the way one does, when I stopped and read what I had written. I realized, it did describe how I feel about Mystery in a Corner and what people have done with the pattern.
So here is my note to my Newbie:
"You will catch up and you can read the back posts.
And we look forward to hearing from you!
If you are falling in love with new colors, here is a chance to indulge.
If you have a lot of stash and are on a budget, use your stash!
Just because I used and recommended a watercolours, Impressions, pearl cotton and Kreinik braid doesn't mean you have to use those supplies.
You don't even need an overdye, you can use any Rainbow Gallery threads or any others that you might have.
The whole purpose of Mystery in a Corner is creativity in color and thread choices. You will get VERY high marks from me if you do something totally off the wall with the pattern!
Since you are new, I will write this to you: I am fighting for a field I love, a field that is mired down in technique (the more difficult the better) at the expense of emphasis on design and color. The stitches of Mystery in a Corner are simple, almost couldn't be more basic if they tried, so you can spend all that time focusing on color choices and (in parts 2 and 3) design choices and see how you do.
It has been a high point in my year that people have taken the project to heart and as you can see have done some wonderful things! It is even more heartening that the conversations in my classroom have almost all been about color. I am delighted!
And delighted that you are joining us!
Gay Ann"
I was answering her email, just offhand the way one does, when I stopped and read what I had written. I realized, it did describe how I feel about Mystery in a Corner and what people have done with the pattern.
So here is my note to my Newbie:
"You will catch up and you can read the back posts.
And we look forward to hearing from you!
If you are falling in love with new colors, here is a chance to indulge.
If you have a lot of stash and are on a budget, use your stash!
Just because I used and recommended a watercolours, Impressions, pearl cotton and Kreinik braid doesn't mean you have to use those supplies.
You don't even need an overdye, you can use any Rainbow Gallery threads or any others that you might have.
The whole purpose of Mystery in a Corner is creativity in color and thread choices. You will get VERY high marks from me if you do something totally off the wall with the pattern!
Since you are new, I will write this to you: I am fighting for a field I love, a field that is mired down in technique (the more difficult the better) at the expense of emphasis on design and color. The stitches of Mystery in a Corner are simple, almost couldn't be more basic if they tried, so you can spend all that time focusing on color choices and (in parts 2 and 3) design choices and see how you do.
It has been a high point in my year that people have taken the project to heart and as you can see have done some wonderful things! It is even more heartening that the conversations in my classroom have almost all been about color. I am delighted!
And delighted that you are joining us!
Gay Ann"
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Mystery in a Corner, Registration Reopened

The beginnings of Kim G.'s Mystery in a Corner, Part 1, is a dramatic one all in Halloween Colors.
The photos show the center started and the center finished. Many people are recording with their cameras the journey of Mystery in a Corner.
We have been having such a lively discussion about colors for Mystery in a Corner in my Shining Needle Society Classroom that I have had a flurry of requests to reopen sales for Mystery in a Corner. If you would like to see a wonderful variety of colors people have used for Mystery in a Corner, Part 1, visit my 'Galleries' on my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on 'Galleries'
Last night I reopened sales for people who belong to Shining Needle Society. If you would like to work Mystery in a Corner and join our conversations about color, write to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com) for an invitation. Membership is free.
Be sure to visit www.ShiningNeedle.com to see Shining Needle Society's new website.
Gay Ann
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Mystery in a Corner in the Mail!

Yesterday afternoon I mailed the last of Mystery in a Corner Part 2 patterns. Most of you should have them by the end of this week or the beginning of next week.
Jeanne W. had a little headstart due to an error on my part. Lemons to lemonade: here is a photo of the unfolding of Part 2 for you to enjoy! A little preview of what's in the mail.
Gay Ann
Sunday, July 06, 2008
A Continuing Exhibition of Mysteries in a Corner Part 1
An exhibition of Mysteries in a Corner continues on my website. Last night I hung Mysteries in another gallery, so I now have three 'rooms' of beautiful Mysteries. To see the exhibition, visit my website, www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on Gallery, Gallery 2 and Gallery 3.
The photo here is of Zeena M's Mystery, Part 1.
Thank you, Zeena, for sending it.
Gay Ann
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Thank you for the Kind Remarks about Shining Needle Society
Here are some nice remarks about Shining Needle Society from its members.
I thought my readership might enjoy them.
Thank you! I am certain that Kate and Marie-Therese are delighted!
Gay Ann
From Barbi S.
I think we are seeing the next evolution in Needlepoint and reaching out to everyone across the continents. It's very cool to be a part of the Shining Needle Society.
From Pierrette P.
I think that Shining Needle Society is one of the best thing to have happened in our stitching world and I am saying that in all sincerity. For way too long we only had narrow options, but now everything has changed as our world has changed and we can use the internet to have access to some wonderful designers/teachers and be able to do great projects without having to leave our house. Only a few can go to all those seminars and the rest of us were left in the cold or so it felt. Now things are slowly changing and that is for the best as I have always believed that the goal should be to reach as many stitchers as possible if we want to keep this art alive and well.
From Sandi N.
I need also to say that I join those who thank you for this opportunity and for bringing the SNS to us. It will be a huge success I am sure! It certainly fills the niche we all are missing when we can't get off to Seminars or when our local groups don't offer us the challenges we seek. So easy and fun to join.
I thought my readership might enjoy them.
Thank you! I am certain that Kate and Marie-Therese are delighted!
Gay Ann
From Barbi S.
I think we are seeing the next evolution in Needlepoint and reaching out to everyone across the continents. It's very cool to be a part of the Shining Needle Society.
From Pierrette P.
I think that Shining Needle Society is one of the best thing to have happened in our stitching world and I am saying that in all sincerity. For way too long we only had narrow options, but now everything has changed as our world has changed and we can use the internet to have access to some wonderful designers/teachers and be able to do great projects without having to leave our house. Only a few can go to all those seminars and the rest of us were left in the cold or so it felt. Now things are slowly changing and that is for the best as I have always believed that the goal should be to reach as many stitchers as possible if we want to keep this art alive and well.
From Sandi N.
I need also to say that I join those who thank you for this opportunity and for bringing the SNS to us. It will be a huge success I am sure! It certainly fills the niche we all are missing when we can't get off to Seminars or when our local groups don't offer us the challenges we seek. So easy and fun to join.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
My Online Exhibition of Mystery in a Corner Part 1
I just finished hanging my Online Gallery Show of Mystery in a Corner, Part 1 from my Shining Needle Society classroom and I invite you to visit the Gallery. To see the exhibition, go to www.GayAnnRogers.com and click on Gallery. You will find some wonderful color combinations!
And while you are there, do visit Gallery 2 where more Mysteries in a Corner, Part 1 are hanging. In Gallery 2 is work from Pam Douda's stitchers.
For as long as people send me photos of their Mysteries in a Corner, Part 1, I will hang the photos in my Online Gallery.
Please send photos to GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com.
And please come join in our conversations about color at Shining Needle Society.
To join Shining Needle Society, visit www.ShiningNeedleSociety.com or write to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com)
SEE you soon I hope!
Happy 4th of July to everyone.
Gay Ann
And while you are there, do visit Gallery 2 where more Mysteries in a Corner, Part 1 are hanging. In Gallery 2 is work from Pam Douda's stitchers.
For as long as people send me photos of their Mysteries in a Corner, Part 1, I will hang the photos in my Online Gallery.
Please send photos to GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com.
And please come join in our conversations about color at Shining Needle Society.
To join Shining Needle Society, visit www.ShiningNeedleSociety.com or write to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com)
SEE you soon I hope!
Happy 4th of July to everyone.
Gay Ann
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
My Exciting News! My New Website
It is the first of July and I would like to tell you my exciting news!
For my exciting news go to
and see my new website!
Happy Birthday to my new website.
To celebrate its birthday I stitched a small ornament on Vikki Clayton's wonderful 17-count perforated paper and her awesome #8 silk pearl. Details for ordering the little ornament kit are on my page 'Small Designs.'
The price for the kit is $12.00 for my website's birthday month of July.
The kit includes instructions, paper and silk. In addition you will need a partial spool of #8 Kreinik braid.
Gay Ann
For my exciting news go to
and see my new website!
Happy Birthday to my new website.
To celebrate its birthday I stitched a small ornament on Vikki Clayton's wonderful 17-count perforated paper and her awesome #8 silk pearl. Details for ordering the little ornament kit are on my page 'Small Designs.'
The price for the kit is $12.00 for my website's birthday month of July.
The kit includes instructions, paper and silk. In addition you will need a partial spool of #8 Kreinik braid.
Gay Ann
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Some Exciting News for Me and a Mailing Date
First off, a mailing date: I will mail all Parts 2 of Mystery in a Corner after the 4th of July holiday.
We have some beautiful examples of Part 1 in my Shining Needle Society classroom, and again, I extend an invitation to you to come and join us. Membership is free, just write to KateGaunt@aol.com and Kate will issue you an invitation.
I wanted to take this chance too and tell you that I have some Exciting News which I will talk about after July 1st. Why after July 1st and not right now?
I will explain that later also...
SEE you back on My Blog after July 1st.
Gay Ann
We have some beautiful examples of Part 1 in my Shining Needle Society classroom, and again, I extend an invitation to you to come and join us. Membership is free, just write to KateGaunt@aol.com and Kate will issue you an invitation.
I wanted to take this chance too and tell you that I have some Exciting News which I will talk about after July 1st. Why after July 1st and not right now?
I will explain that later also...
SEE you back on My Blog after July 1st.
Gay Ann
Monday, June 23, 2008
A Donation for EGA
There are a number of people to whom I can't say no, and one of them called me asking for a donation for EGA's 50th Anniversary. I decided to look for a pretty pair of antique scissors and make a scissors fob and threader fob for them. I just finished and I want to keep them! So I decided to take a photo and 'keep' them that way.
The blades of the scissors are marked 'Germany' and most people assume they are German. They aren't; they are American. Companies here imported German scissors blades then made little sterling handles to fit with the blades. The handles here are marked 'sterling' usually a good indication that the silver is American. Even without the marking, the style is American, c 1890-1910.
They are so pretty, with little flowers and vines around the finger rings. An added bonus is that this pair are sharp and cut well! I am such a sucker for these little scissors and I buy them whenever I see them.
To personalize them, I beaded a scissors fob and a threader fob for the handles. A couple of years ago the owner of a little estate jewelry shop here sold some remarkable beads from the 1920's to me. She said in all her years in business she had not seen beads for sale like them and I would likely never see them again. I have a small and treasured box of these beads and I used two of them on the scissors fob. They are the long white bead and the flower-like bead at the end. The beads are metal and if you look carefully, you will see tiny rhinestones sprinkled on them. They are, as I said, remarkable beads!
So I snapped a little photo of the scissors and fobs and I will send them off. I wonder where they will end up. I hope in a nice home. And I will enjoy the photo of them as a memento.
Gay Ann
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: a Great Commentary on Part 1
Pierrette is a member of Shining Needle Society and has been posting comments in my classroom there. She just emailed me the photograph I have posted here, of her newly-completed Part 1 of Mystery in a Corner.
Pierrette asked Pam Douda and Kim Propst (Tomorrow's Heirlooms) for help with the colors and then she documented each step of her progress on her blog. For a great evolution of Part 1 of her Mystery in a Corner, visit her blog:
And stay tuned for her completed Mystery in a Corner which I hope to post here in another month or so. I will send out Part 2, the mysterious corners, after July 1. The stitches for Mystery in a Corner are easy; the important part of the lesson comes in the use of color and, in Part 2, some design decisions. I look forward to seeing what Pierrette and others do with the mysterious corners of Mystery in a Corner.
Stay tuned...
Gay Ann
I wanted to add this one too: Jeanne sent me a link to her very pretty Part 1 of Mystery in a Corner. If you would like to see it go to http://juststring.blogspot.com/ and scroll down.
Thank you for the link, Jeanne.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Mystery in a Corner and Shining Needle Society!
Registration for Mystery in a Corner is closed.
I will wait a few days for mail stragglers and then begin class at Shining Needle Society.
Speaking of Shining Needle Society, it just hit 1400 members!!!
If you would like to join and follow along the discussions on Mystery in a Corner, write to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership is free. Kate will issue you an invitation.
Gay Ann Rogers
I will wait a few days for mail stragglers and then begin class at Shining Needle Society.
Speaking of Shining Needle Society, it just hit 1400 members!!!
If you would like to join and follow along the discussions on Mystery in a Corner, write to Kate Gaunt (KateGaunt@aol.com). Membership is free. Kate will issue you an invitation.
Gay Ann Rogers
Friday, May 30, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Just Two More Days...
Just two more days till registration for Mystery in a Corner closes.
If you wish to subscribe, please post-mark a letter to me no later than 6:00 p.m. on June 1.
Email me, GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
As soon as I have mailed the last of Part 1, we will start class in Shining Needle Society.
Interested in Shining Needle Society?
Email Kate, KateGaunt@aol.com.
Happy almost-weekend!
Gay Ann
If you wish to subscribe, please post-mark a letter to me no later than 6:00 p.m. on June 1.
Email me, GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
As soon as I have mailed the last of Part 1, we will start class in Shining Needle Society.
Interested in Shining Needle Society?
Email Kate, KateGaunt@aol.com.
Happy almost-weekend!
Gay Ann
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Mystery in a Corner Deadline is Approaching: June 1
It rained in the night, then just after dawn it cleared and when I looked out, there was a rainbow over the ocean.
I snapped this photo and am using it as a reminder that the deadline for Mystery in a Corner is only a week off: June 1.
If you have questions please write: GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
Gay Ann
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Part 1 and Color Combo 32
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Part 1 and Color Combo 30
Friday, May 16, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Part 1 and Color Combo 22

Early in May I visited Tomorrow's Heirlooms where a group of stitchers are working on Mystery in a Corner and a number of them have completed Part 1.
In the next few days, as I count down the time till the deadline for registration of Mystery in a Corner, I will post some of their projects together with the colors that they used from Pam and Kim. The first is from Jo who used Color Combination 22.
Gay Ann
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Saving a bit of money for Groups
A few groups have asked me if they can save a bit of money by having patterns shipped to a single address, even if they don't have the required number of 10 for the group rate.
The answer is yes, I can mail a group of patterns together for $4.00 per person instead of the single subscription rate of $10.00.
Thank you to the groups who have written to me about this.
Thanks for the heads up and for saving people a bit of money.
If you have questions, please write to me: GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
Gay Ann
The answer is yes, I can mail a group of patterns together for $4.00 per person instead of the single subscription rate of $10.00.
Thank you to the groups who have written to me about this.
Thanks for the heads up and for saving people a bit of money.
If you have questions, please write to me: GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
Gay Ann
Mystery in a Corner: Pattern Available until June 1 08

Mystery in a Corner is a two-part geometric design.
The photo shows Part 1.
Part 2 is the Mystery.
Mysterious corners in mysterious patterns!
How the mystery works:
Registration is open from now until June 1 08.
I will mail Part 1 patterns between now and June 15 08. I will mail the Mysterious Part 2 patterns on or before July 15 08.
Ground fabric: 18-mesh canvas, 13" x 13" or congress cloth if you wish (you must change the weight of the thread).
Now is the time to be creative!
Begin with an overdyed thread (such as Watercolours) and choose coordinating colors of metallic thread and pearl cotton, floss or silk. Try a color combination you have always toyed with trying or return to an old favorite and try some new threads.
Shining Needle Society:
Join our online classrooms and enjoy chatting with others about your progress and your choices.
Membership is free, for an invitation write to KateGaunt@aol.com.
Price for Subscribers who register on or before June 1 08:
For single subscribers: $38.00 for both parts plus $10.00 for 2 mailings (Part 1 and Part 2).
For groups of 10 or more all mailed to a single leader: $32.00 per person, plus $4.00 for 2 mailings by Priority mail.
How to Register:
For single subscribers: send name, address and email to GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
For groups of 10 or more: send leader's name, address and email to GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com.
Payment in full is due on or before June 1 08.
Payment may be made by check or PayPal. Please email me for address: GayAnn@GayAnnRogers.com
If you have questions, please write.
Gay Ann
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Color Combinations #29, #30, #31 and #32

Here are the final four color combinations from Pam and Kim for Mystery in a Corner.
Putting together this collection was a huge amount of work and once again I wish to say thank you to Pam and Kim.
It has certainly enriched My Blog and my Shining Needle Classroom!
For those of you interested in the color combinations, contact
Pam Douda and Kim Propst
Telephone: 630-790-1660
Address: Tomorrow's Heirlooms
650 Roosevelt Road Suite 103, Glen Ellyn IL 60137
Gay Ann
P.S. Once again a reminder that I have no financial interest in Pam's and Kim's kits. I just thought they were beautiful!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Mystery in a Corner, color combos #25, $26, #27 and #28
Monday, April 14, 2008
Mystery in a Corner: Color Combinations #21, #22, #23 and #24
Pam and Kim are back from their cruise and have sent me more color combinations for my Mystery in a Corner.
Here are #21, #22, #23 and #24. Enjoy!
I will post 4 more in a couple of days.
Meanwhile, here is the information about Pam and Kim again:
Pam Douda and Kim Propst
Telephone: 630-790-1660
Address: Tomorrow's Heirlooms
650 Roosevelt Road Suite 103, Glen Ellyn IL 60137.
And a reminder that I don't have any financial interest in the color combinations -- I just love them!
Gay Ann
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